Saturday, January 31, 2009

Community Gardens...a New Ministry for Nueva Esperanza

This year we were really excited about adding a new ministry to our efforts in Nueva Esperanza. Bob Grafe decided to join the Manos de Dios team and teach some workshops about horticulture. Bob, also known as Backup Bob, Bueno Bob, Bob-B-Que, Bob the Builder, What About Bob, among other names is a passionate Master Gardener (among other things as well). His passion came across as he worked with the youth and adults teaching them all about raised vegetable gardens. The teaching did not stop in the classroom as they decided to get down and dirty (literally) and built 4 big raised gardens with mostly recycled materials in the Manos de Dios property.

It was amazing to see Bob work with the Hondurans, especially with the scholarship kids. These kids are between 13-17 years old and some of them have chosen Agriculture as their vocational area in high school. They all spoke the "same language". Bob had a very enthusiastic "Manos de Dios Gardening Club" helping him out with all the "green" projects. The club was formed by Gloria Glass, Patricia Riggins, Padre Jerry, Beryl Kenney, Tatiana Hoecker and Caitin Pierce.

Thanks Fr Jerry for leading the "let's use the water well" operation. John Fenley and his water ministry team should be happy to know that the water well is working great and is fully in use, especially for watering the community gardens.
The team also built a nice brick sidewalk around the staircase that takes you to the vocational center. Tatiana did a great job teaching the little kids how to lay sand and bricks.

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